Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pink Rhinestone Converse Baby Shoes

One night when I couldn't sleep, I made these shoes for my niecy-poo Zylyn.  Probably not the best way to combat insomnia.  But, it was fun. :-)

The Task: Add some pink, sparkly love to the Converse I bought for my niece. 

The Ingredients: shoes, approx. 200 small pink crystal rhinestones (1/4 cm), E6000 glue, a q-tip, Craft Tack, alcohol, a shoe box top

The Purchase Locations: Michael's Arts & Crafts, Downtown LA (for the crystals and shoes), 99 cents only store (for the q-tip and alcohol)

The Cost: Approx. $35.00

It only took me: about two hours

How to:

1.  Where ever you plan to place rhinestones, wipe the area with alcohol.

2. Place a bit of craft tack on the end of a q-tip to create a tool that will allow you to pick up the rhinestones easily.

3. Dump the rhinestones into a shoe box top. I like to lay them out so all the flat sides are down.  This makes them easy to pick up and attach to the shoe.

4. Apply a short, thin line of E6000 glue to the top part of the rubber on the shoe.  Add rhinestones in a line on top of the glue.

5. Repeat step 4 until the entire rubber area (and any other area you want to decorate) is covered in rhinestones.

6. Wipe the rhinestone areas with alcohol after you're done to remove any excess glue from the rhinestones.

OPTION:  You can replace the shoe string with colorful ribbons.

TIPS: Although it is tempting, don't add too much glue at one time.  The glue dries pretty quickly.      

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