Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Jordyn P. Show

This little doll's name is Jordyn.  She's 5 years old.  And, she's one of the cutest and wisest kids I know.  She said she wanted her own TV show about happiness and fun.  So, my dear friends and I got together and made it happen for her.  The show is unscripted.  It's all Jordyn...and her BFF Clay.   Enjoy!

Thank you to Jay (for the original music), Carmen Alexandra (for dressing Jordyn), Indira (for your home, camera, lights and Clay), Jodie (for having Jordyn :-)), big sister Jenae for wrangling the kids, Makeeta (for designing the set), Marcell for helping where needed and everyone for your support!

More videos are on the way! If you have a question for Jordyn, you can email her at or send her a tweet @jordynphd.   


  1. This is so adorable Leah! I remember you telling about this months ago. This finished product is awesome!!!

  2. Awww thanks Shara! Yes, it's finally a real thing! We're filming more episodes soon. :-)
