Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Wreath Project - Part Deux

The Task: I was helping my friend decorate for her graduation party. (She graduated from culinary school. Congrats Chef Kenishia!  Check her out at:  Her color scheme was pink, green, purple and silver.  She wanted a wreath to hang at the entrance to the party.   I couldn't find a wreath that matched perfectly, so I made one. :-)

The Ingredients: A frisbee from the 99cents only store, string of Tinsel, plastic colorful ornaments, a sheet of fake snow (you know, the kind that goes around the bottom of the Christmas tree), some broken pieces of decorative glitter branches I used for other decorations (they're called Ting Ting :-)), some packing tape and my trusty glue gun.

The Purchase Locations: 99cents only store, Michael's Arts & Crafts (for the Ting Ting) [IMPORTANT: Don't ever go to Michael's without printing out the coupons before you go.  They almost always have a coupon that will allow you to get 50% off one item]

The Cost: Approx. $4.00

It only took me: about 10 minutes

How to:

1. I needed a ring to make the "wreath" shape. So, I got a fabric Frisbee, cut the fabric off of it and was left with a foam ring. 
2. Tape the fake snow around the foam ring.  This adds bulk to the ring so the wreath won't look scraggly.
3. Glue one end of the tinsel to the foam ring and wrap away until the tinsel covers the entire ring.
4. Glue the second end of the tinsel to the foam ring and spread the tinsel out so it covers all the fake snow. 
5. Glue the plastic ornaments to the tinsel.
6. Stick the broken ting ting in the tinsel in various places around the wreath.  You can glue them in if you want, so they won't fall out.

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