Friday, December 12, 2014

Back By Popular Demand: DIY: Ugly Christmas Sweater...that transforms into a Christmas Tree

DIY: Ugly Christmas Sweater...that transforms into a Christmas Tree

Just in time for the holiday party season.  
Check out my post on how to make the cutest and most creative UGLY Christmas Sweater ever! 
Leah Lynette

Monday, December 1, 2014

DIY Decor: Old Hollywood themed Bridal Shower

Below are some decorative ideas for an Old Hollywood themed shower.

1. Feather Poms.  These things are AMAZING.  Very easy to make.  See my previous post for 'How-to' details:

2. Social Media Signs.  All you need is a printer, a picture frame, a glue gun and some trinkets to glue on the side of the frame.  Here, I used 3 small feathers and a plastic rhinestone flower to attach to the frame. 

3. Centerpieces. Vases, Crystals and Roses. Lots of Roses.  If you live in Los Angeles, this part is easy.  Two dozen long stemmed roses for less than $10.00?!?  Who does that?  The LA Flower Mart, Downtown LA, that's who.  If you don't live in LA, try to find a flower mart in your area.  

For the centerpieces, we used glass vases, strings of crystals, a roll of decorative mesh, long stemmed roses and mirror plates.  Cut the leaves off the roses before you arrange them.  Line the vase with the mesh (it doesn't have to be neat). Stick the roses in the middle of the mesh.  Add water.  Then, drape the crystals around the roses and the vase.  Finally, sit the vase on top of a mirror plate. 

Enjoy! And, Happy Decorating!

Leah Lynette

Monday, October 27, 2014

DIY: Decorative Feather Pom Poms

DIY: Decorative Feather Pom Poms

These feather poms poms were GORGEOUS!!  They definitely made the room pop.  And, they were really easy to make.  The best part...they travel & store well.  After the feathers have been applied, just take the metal rod out of the center of the lantern, flatten the lantern & you're on your way.
The Task: Make fancy decorations for 'Old Hollywood' themed bridal shower 
The Ingredients: round paper lantern, ribbon, feather boas, glue gun
The Purchase Locations: Downtown LA - boa shop, Michael's

The Cost: Between $6.00-$15.00 each - depending on the lantern size
It took me: about 15 minutes per lantern 
1.  Insert the metal rod into the center of the lantern.  Extend the lantern and lock the metal rods into place.
2.  Starting at the base of the lantern, start to glue the feather boa in a circular pattern around the lantern until the lantern is fully covered.  I did this by applying about 6 inches of glue at a time to the lantern, then sticking the feathers to the glue.   
3.  Tie a ribbon loop at the top of the metal insert for easy hanging. 
NOTES:  1. You need about 2 1/2 adult sized boas to cover an 8" round lantern.  2. Feathers crumbs were EVERYWHERE when I was done.  So, make sure you cover the floor or make these in a confined location where you can do easy clean up.
xoxo-Leah Lynette 

Monday, September 29, 2014

DIY: Doggy Princess Tutu...with pearls


The Task: Make a tutu for a doggy princess named Bella. It was her grandpa's birthday and she needed something cute to wear. 

The Ingredients: 1 roll tulle, stretchy ponytail holder or elastic (Bella is extra small so I used the ponytail holder), ribbon, string of pearls, 16 inch long piece of cardboard, glue gun
The Purchase Locations: Downtown LA - craft store, jewelry store

The Cost: Approx $6.00
It took me: about 30 minutes 
How to:
1. Take roll of tulle and wrap it long ways around a 16 inch long strip of card board. When all of the tulle has been wrapped around the cardboard, cut the tulle at the top of the cardboard and cut it at the bottom.  Now you have several strips of 16 inch long pieces of tulle.  Repeat this step for each of the rolls of tulle. 

 2. Stretch the ponytail holder around something solid (a piece of cardboard, a book, your knee, whatever) so you can start knotting the tulle around the ponytail holder.  

3. Take two pieces of tulle (one on top of the other) and fold them in half.  Push the looped part up and behind the ponytail holder, then pull the two ends through the loop to create a knot.  Repeat this step until the entire ponytail holder is full. 
4. Tie a ribbon around the middle of the finished tutu. Glue the ribbon to the tutu (I only glued down the part where Bella's tummy was, so her mom and dad could adjust it to fit her waist, as well as get her in and out of it easily).
5. Cut about two-thirds of the tulle off of the stomach area (so your doggy princess can move around easily).

6.  Add a string of pearls to the tutu.  Tie one end of the pearl string to the left side of the tutu, about an inch above where the top of the front left paw would be.  Then, tie the other end of the pearl string to the right side of the tutu, about an inch above where the top of the front right paw would be.  (Because Bella is extra small, the necklace was waaaayy too big.  So, I had to re-string about 20 pearls onto a stretchy piece of string). 
NOTE: I added a little halter ribbon to the tutu thinking it was necessary to hold the tutu in place, but it wasn't necessary. You live and you learn :-)
Leah Lynette

Monday, August 4, 2014




The Task: Make some fun flip flops
The Ingredients: inexpensive flip-flops (Dollar Tree again), water resistant crazy glue, a pair of shoelaces, a plastic wind chime (I know, random, huh? :-)), scissors
The Purchase Locations: Dollar Tree

The Cost: Approx $4.00
It only took me: about 20 minutes 

How to:

1. Cut the plastic straps off each flip-flop.

 2. Determine how long you want the straps of your sandals. Fold one shoe string in half and push the loop through the top hole in the flip-flop from the top/front of the flip flop through the back/bottom.
3. Turn the flip flop over and tie a big knot or two in the looped part of the shoe string. 
 4. Pull the shoe string down as close to the hole as possible, then add a drop or two of water resistant glue to the hole. Pull the ribbon all the way down first, so you don't get a sticky ribbon.
5. Pull the knot down into the hole and tuck it into the hole so the knot is flush to the bottom of the flip flop (This will keep you from constantly feeling like you are stepping on a rock when you walk).

6. Turn the flip flop back over to the top.  You should now have two shoe string "straps".  Yay! 
7. Pull the left shoe string strap through the hole on the left bottom of the flip flop.  Then, pull the right shoe string strap through the hole on the right bottom of the flip flop.   Be sure to leave enough ribbon on top so a foot can fit.  (It may be helpful to try the flip flop on while you pull the straps through for accuracy.) 
8. Turn the flop flip over to the bottom. Take the strap on the left and pull it through the hole on the right from back/bottom to front/top. Take the strap on the right and pull it through the hole on the left from back/bottom to front/top.
6.  Cut the excess shoe string from the top of the flip flop.
7. Add a bit of glue to each hole to secure the straps. 
8. Repeat these steps with your second flip flop.
9.  Glue any fun treats to the top flip flop strap.  In my case, I found a cute pink and green wind chime.  So, I cut one of the flower charms off of the wind chime and glued it onto my flip flip. 


Thursday, July 3, 2014

DIY: July 4th Inspired Sandals

DIY: July 4th Sandals

The Task: Make some cute sandals for the 4th of July 
The Ingredients: inexpensive flip-flops (Dollar Tree again), water resistant crazy glue, ribbon, scissors

The Purchase Locations: Dollar Tree

The Cost: Approx. $3.00

It only took me: about 15 minutes

How to:
1. Cut the plastic straps off each flip-flop.

 2. Determine how long you want the straps of your sandals. (In hindsight, I wish I had made mine longer so they could wrap around the ankle a few more times.) Cut your ribbon at the desired length.  Fold the ribbon in half and push the loop through the top hole in the flip-flop from the top/front of the flip flop through the back/bottom.

3. Turn the flip flop over and tie a big knot or two in the looped part of the ribbon. 

 4. Pull the ribbon down as close to the hole as possible, then add a drop or two of water resistant glue to the hole.  (Be sure to pull the ribbon down first. Otherwise, you'll end up with a sticky ribbon.
5. Pull the knot down into the hole and tuck it into the hole so the knot is flush to the bottom of the flip flop (This will keep you from constantly feeling like you are stepping on a rock when you walk).

6. Turn the flip flop back over to the top.  You should now have two ribbon "straps".  Yay! 
7. Pull the left ribbon strap through the hole on the left bottom of the flip flop.  Then, pull the right ribbon strap through the hole on the right bottom of the flip flop.   Be sure to leave enough ribbon on top so your foot can fit.  (It may be helpful to try the flip flop on while you pull the straps through for accuracy.)
8. Turn the flop flip over to the bottom. Take the strap on the left and pull it through the hole on the right from back/bottom to front/top. Take the strap on the right and pull it through the hole on the left from back/bottom to front/top.
6. Add a bit of glue to each hole to secure the straps. 
7. Repeat these steps with your second flip flop.
Special Thanks to my model: Melissa D. :-)

Friday, June 6, 2014

DIY: Creepy Crawler Flip Flops

DIY: Creepy Crawler Flip Flops...for the little guys (and reptile loving little girls) in your life


 You can pretty much glue anything to the straps of a flip flop to turn them into something special.  You just need the right type of glue. I found this out the hard way with this project.
 PERSONAL SIDE NOTE: It was a little uncomfortable making these flip flops because anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a fan of lizards - not real ones, not cartoon ones, not plastic ones, not even pictures of lizards.  I had a bad experience with a lizard when I was a child.  And, we have been on the outs ever since.  They run too fast. They always end up in the wrong places, i.e. on your body somewhere.  And, there is something completely unsettling about a creature whose tail can snap off from their body and keep wiggling around minutes after detachment.  It got so bad I saw a therapist to help get over my fear.  It worked.  And, I can now see a lizard without having a full blown sweaty meltdown.  But, I hadn't tested actually holding a lizard (even a fake one) until this project.  Mission accomplished...but not without some moments of shoulder shuddering and "Ewww" outbursts from yours truly. 

The Task: 
 My bestie's son LOVES lizards.  She tells me all the time about his backyard "lizard hunting" adventures with his dad.  So far, he's been unsuccessful in his quests.  But, he hasn't given up.  I wanted to make some flip flops for kids and ran into a pack of plastic reptiles.  I immediately thought of my little lizard hunter and decided to make him a pair of flip flops for the summer.

The Ingredients: inexpensive flip-flops (Dollar Tree again), water resistant crazy glue (VERY IMPORTANT if  you want your plastic creatures to stay put), some binder clips, rubbing alcohol

The Purchase Locations: Dollar Tree

The Cost: Approx. $3.00

It only took me: about 30 minutes (only because me and the glue were not getting along) PLUS a 24 hour drying time

How to:
1. Wipe off the plastic straps of your flip flops with alcohol. 

2. Decide the layout you want for your reptiles.

3. Add a few drops of water resistant glue to the plastic flip flop strap and to the bottom of your selected reptile.  Place the sticky reptile on the strap.  Use a binder clip to hold the reptile in place for 24-hours.

4. Repeat until your flip-flops are full of creepy crawly reptiles.
5. Let the flip-fops dry for 24 hours.   
6. Remove the plastic binder clips after about 12 hours (just to make sure they don't get permanently glued to the flip-flop)

TIP 1: You really can glue anything to the flip flip strap.  Just make sure it is not too heavy or bulky so the wearer will be comfortable.
TIP 2: My trusty E6000 glue failed me this time.  The reptiles did stick to the straps but they could be easily peeled off.  I know little boys and I know they like to take things apart.  I didn't want to make it too easy so I opted for a stronger glue.  Plus, I figured the flip flops are bound to get wet so water resistant glue would be a good choice.  It was.  I didn't get it right until my third gluing attempt.  The second attempt, I tried regular super glue.  Terrible idea.  If you ever want two pieces of plastic to NOT stick together, use regular super glue.